Since it was so frigid out today I decided to warm up and run the Children's 8k race. What a fun, easy run downtown. I wasn't very familiar with the course and all day I've been doing the "what if" game but there's always next year and I had a fun time so that's all that matters. There were tons of runners and the crowd was great-cheerleaders,bands,goofy outfits etc.
So how does one train for a 5 mile run? Easy you first have to run a decent amount of miles, get proper rest/nutrition and leave your ipod in the stroller! Yep I was about in tears when I realized what I had done! David and Grant escorted me to the bus (they drove the runners to the starting line) and kissed me good bye. I was anxiously waiting for the warm bus to get there when I looked at my empty frozen hands!!! I didn't bring my phone because I did't want to carry it around (I mean who am I going to call while on a run? seriously.) so I had to quickly make friends with strangers and use their phones to call David. After two attempts I started sprinting back to the car in hopes that he would be there, just then I saw the last of the buses getting ready to leave...back to the bus once again empty handed. Stink.
While on the bus I made another "friend" who let me borrow her phone, I could tell she thought I was nuts for wanting/needing my ipod so bad but whatever, not all of us grew up with imaginations while we run lady. I finally got a hold of David and we decided on a place to meet during the race. I have never loved technology more than in that moment. My testimony of cell phones/ipods and my garmin was greatly increased in those few minutes!

Grant and I after the race...poor kid was so cold David had to buy him a warmer hat and gloves...Nike of course! Thank goodness we were downtown with all that shopping near! He still enjoyed being outside with his daddy and was so happy all day! Oh and yes this is my brother's old running shirt from when he was in H.S. or maybe at Ricks! I guess you could say I take care of things ;)