Tuesday, June 15, 2010

little lovelies-journals

I never really kept a good journal growing up...well I guess if you count the orange binder that had "N.B. is a hung." written all over it. Give me a break, I was like 4 and didn't know how to spell "hunk" maybe I should have just written "N.B. has a really nice rat tail, almost as nice as NKOTB." I digress.....

In high school my good friend Kellie gave me this adorable journal with all sorts of uplifting things on the cover. For the first time I was actually excited to write in it! Maybe it's because I'm pretty neutral with my home decor (I can't get too crazy girly ya know!) but I do love me some fun journals/notebooks. I could spend hours at Target looking through all the cute stuff, that's where I can be as girly as I want! Anyway that specific high school journal is rather funny, the first  page says "Tonight David Luke gave a fireside about his mission. It was really good." The rest of the journal covers my acceptance into BYU-I, roomies, dates, jobs etc. and ends with "David Luke and I are getting married."

I didn't write very much while I was at BYU and I regret that. So many wonderful things happened during that time in my life and I wish I had taken the time to express the hard work and blessings that I was experiencing. I did however become a master at creating lists and bringing my day planner with me EVERYWHERE! I still have all my old day planners and I love reading through them and seeing the different classes/callings/outings I had going on in my life. I was so busy during those 4 years (who isn't?) and I often wish I had that type of energy and determination again, I keep my journals/planners by my bed and often turn to them for motivation.

After graduation I started writing more diligently. Sure it's not the easiest (or most exciting) thing but I am grateful that I have those big, small, and mundane life events on paper. There have been numerous nights that David and I have read through stories of dates, pregnancies, callings and laughed or cried--or my favorite feeling- laughing and crying at the same time! 

About a year ago in YW we made these "journal jars", basically 52 questions that can help you start journaling. "What is your favorite holiday and why?", "Describe a time when you were proud of yourself or family member." etc. Sure it is cheesy but I love it! It is our Sunday night tradition and a great way for us to start our own family history!


heidi678 said...

The journal idea is a great idea! I could use something like that to keep me motivated, you'd think writing stuff about my kids would be enough motivation but seems like I need another push.

Jeni said...

Journaling is so hard for me to do. I feel like blogging isn't as honest as actual journaling because I'm less likely to say something like, "Today Isaac drove me crazy, Olivia acted like a psychopath, and I wanted to rip all my hair out." I am less likely to write the downer things.
Having a pretty journal is totally key. If it's cute on the outside, I'm totally more likely to write in it!

The Toland Tots of Tanglewood said...

love this idea. I've never been a journaler. Do you have the list of questions for your journal jar? Can you send it to me? I love looking at notebooks and have several empty ones that i need to use!