Tuesday, March 31, 2009
snakes and snails and puppy dog tails
Well I got part of that right...the other night I had a "dream" (aka nightmare) that I gave birth to a snake! Yes I realize that is disgusting! I like shot up out of bed and David had to calm me back down. Oh well atleast I have some baby lotion to cure that scaly skin right? Anyway I just got back from the doctor and things are still looking good, the baby is head down and my doctor made it sound like he was really far head down so that's good I suppose. I'm just trying to find ways to pass the time...such as eat cookies and milk on my tummy! ***my wedding ring still fits perfectly (sometimes it's too loose) but I was cleaning something and took it off***
Sunday, March 29, 2009
squeaky clean
Yesterday I was lucky enough to have 2 baby showers, what a fun and busy day! I just feel so happy to have wonderful people that put in time and effort to celebrate with David and I! A big shout out to all those girls that helped make my day! After washing the clothes and putting the toys away I just felt so overwhelmed by the kindness of friends and also the closeness of this baby!!! So crazy at how fast it's creeping up on us! Fun fun!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Peanut lovers
I had an appt on Tuesday and my doctor said I was measuring small (obviously he's not measuring my waistline!) but he didn't seem too concerned because I've been measuring small since like week 18. Anyway yesterday he called me and said I needed to get an ultrasound this week just to check the fluid levels and make sure things were looking/cooking good. Do you think I slept well last night? Nada. We went in today and I'm happy to report that things are healthy and our little boy (the tech confirmed it again!) is growing. My nurse said I'm small because he's small, he's only in the 47%...what a peanut! Oh well easier to push out right? We just feel so blessed to be able to be pregnant at this time and can't wait to meet him. I have been in nesting mode for the last little while....I think I've always been a "nester" but it's really kicking in right now. I love it!
Just some other pregnancy things: I definitely have the "door bell" belly button going on, I've perfected the waddle, crying at every movie/commerical etc. is a daily thing and hearing people comment on how I'm about to pop is something I've just become used to! Today I was walking around outside and a black lady with gold teeth (not that that matters) came up to me
BL: "When you have you baby?"
Me: "oh about 5 weeks..."
BL: "oooo....hu-uh...girl you gonna have that baby this week...tee-hee"
then her and her friend discussed the "hugeness" of my belly...what a self-esteem boost right?
Like I said I'm hearing that a lot these days....
Just some other pregnancy things: I definitely have the "door bell" belly button going on, I've perfected the waddle, crying at every movie/commerical etc. is a daily thing and hearing people comment on how I'm about to pop is something I've just become used to! Today I was walking around outside and a black lady with gold teeth (not that that matters) came up to me
BL: "When you have you baby?"
Me: "oh about 5 weeks..."
BL: "oooo....hu-uh...girl you gonna have that baby this week...tee-hee"
then her and her friend discussed the "hugeness" of my belly...what a self-esteem boost right?
Like I said I'm hearing that a lot these days....
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday the 13th
oooo.....maybe I should watch a scary movie with the lights off. Oh wait I'm terrified of Sleeping Beauty so maybe I'll just stick with game shows. I was considering reading about labor and delivery but decided that would be just as scary as a movie. Maybe another day!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
what a waste!

One of my friends just had a baby and I'm taking a meal to them tomorrow. I know tomorrow will be busy for me so I decided to take the easy way out and make refrigerator cookies (classy I know) anyway these were a complete bust! I should have known better, David and I are not marshmallow fans but I thought hey these might be fun for the kiddos. Ugh! I should have just gone with my peanut butter instinct! Now not only do I have to clean a cookie sheet but I have to figure out another dessert for tomorrow. Store bought??? Sounds good to me! Sorry Leslie!!!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
34 weeks!
Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm actually posting this picture! Yes I know I'm huge and yes I know I will continue to get huge! However I've been trained to honor our parents and after a conversation with my MIL she convinced me to post a picture for her. Yikes! Anyway we have about 6 weeks until the big day and I'm really starting to feel the third trimester kick in. He is pretty active most days and makes me tired, however I have an overactive mind and can't just relax so it's kind of a bad combo! Overall things are looking good. We have our last birthing class tonight, and I'm kind of sad that they will be over, very nervous for the next little stage now! I just can't believe how fast these last 8 months have been. I try to keep busy with everything, these next few weeks are hopefully going to keep flyin' by!
Monday, March 9, 2009
new favs
This weekend I discovered two "must haves" for this summer. We went down to the Chicago area on Saturday and on the way back home we drove up along the lake and fell upon this FANTASTIC ice-cream place. Sweet Pea! It was SO smooth and creamy and rich and yes I'm drolling right now just writing about it. Chocolate cake batter fudge ice-cream sound good to you? It was! Anyway I ranted and raved about it for a good 30 minutes after our stop. We decided to program it into the GPS for easy access:) Then for dinner we made a chicken salad with Kraft Asian Toasted Sesame dressing. I'm not sure why I haven't bought that before but it's divine, I'm chomping on a salad as we speak. Life is good for me and the full baby boy right now!
Friday, March 6, 2009
ladies and gentlemen
We're trying to take advantage of our time together before the baby comes. Last weekend we did what any normal young couple would do and went to the circus. I know we're doing things a little backwards, I think we were the only ones there without kids or a mullet. Let's just say Milwaukees finest were there;) The whole thing was pretty funny, we kept asking each other if we had been whisked away to 1986...between the Sammy Hagar lion tamer, the black light shows, hot pink cowboy boots, you catch my drift. Is it weird they played Marvin Gaye's Sexual Healing during intermission? Isn't this a family thing??? Oh well atleast we had a buy one get one!

Sorry these are such awful pictures! Yikes!
Sorry these are such awful pictures! Yikes!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
latest craze
I have been wasting hours and hours watching and playing games. I'm seriously addicted to the game show network these days. Family Feud, Millionaire (don't ever use me as a life line) and Chain Reaction are by far my favorites right now. Also has anyone gone the the website www.pogo.com? I'm in love with bookworm and word whomp. I don't feel too guilty playing games all day because it's somewhat educational right??? I kind of feel like a nerd though, I mean today was a bright sunny day and I just sat on my bum playing word games (which I rock at). It's getting really bad though because I'm starting to dream in letters.....ok I better get some laundry done so I feel somewhat accomplished today. Sheesh!
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