10 years ago: I was 13...my best friend Molly (who has been my BF for 16 years...wow that's long!) and I would make up code names for boys that we liked so when we wrote notes to each other if someone found them they wouldn't know who we were talking about. Good plan eh? Well we didn't quite think it out as well as we should have. The code names were not so cod-ish. Example: Cory...code name "Corrina", Ty...code name "Tyra" yeah we thought we were pretty slick with this idea!
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. make a "to-do" list---check
2. Work out---check
3. blog---check
4. make a dessert for tonight, Ryan is coming over to watch LOST and we're SO excited.---uncheck....
5. have nightmares about LOST like I have the last 3 seasons!
5. Snacks I enjoy:
1. apples and peanut butter (fresh ground roasted peanut butter from Pick n'Save thank you)
2. ice-cream....hello I used to have 2 bowls a day!
3. chips and salsa....this will go perfect with our taco dinner tonight!!!
4. chocolate covered strawberries...or chocolate covered anything...except oranges
5. smoothies....reminds me of summertime!
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. blog about how I was a billionaire (lets be honest though I don't have a job so how could I be a billionaire???)
2. Buy a sweet house in a warm sunny place, and by "sweet house" I don't mean the wood paneling that is ever so popular in Milwaukee, I talkin' full out gym, pool, talking kitchen, you name it we got it!
3. have surgery on my knees...or atleast find out what's wrong with them!
4. travel all over....Germany, Russia, Hawaii...ok I guess we could make a stop or two in Colorado and visit the fam!
5. I really should donate some money...does Bob Barker have a fund set up yet???
3 of my bad habits:
1. talk TOO much---crazy I know!
2. I can be very uptight and controlling and it gets WAY worse when I'm hungry...I'm pretty much a beast when I'm hungry that's why I always have nuts or something with me...which makes food storage hard:)
3. I worry ALL the time. "Did we say "good-bye" to them", "does she know that I was just teasing?", "Will our unborn children grow to be taller than 5'3"?", "If I die where should we hold the funeral? What songs shall we play? Who is going to sing?" The things I worry about are a tad silly I must admit! I sure keep myself busy
5 places I have lived:
1. Craig, CO
2. Rexburg, ID
3. Tempe, AZ
4. Provo, UT
5. Milwaukee, WI
5 jobs I have had:
1. Hotel front desk
2. Farmers Insurance
3. Mariposa- 3rd keyholder
4. Education Planning Solutions -I don't even bother putting this on a resume because it was for like 4 weeks
5. GAP
5 things people don't know about me:
1. I was not a typical child/girl...I mean I have never broken a bone (knock on wood), had the chicken pox, gotten my nails done, waxed anything, I never took ballet/jazz etc....some may say I lived a sheltered life but I always loved my childhood...Full House, Price is Right, Cabbage Patch Dolls, play food, Days of our Lives, who needed to risk breaking an arm???
2. I haven't had any soda/carbonation since 1998, before that I used to love dipping OREOS (favorite cookie) in 7-up!
3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE making lists, infact I made a list of what I was going to blog about, I have cleaning lists, everyday list, 5 and 10 year goal/list, sometimes I put things on the list that I've already done just to give me a lil' boost! I totally get this from my dad!
4. I brush my teeth and wash my hands too often, what can I say I like being clean. I used to brush my teeth like 5 times a day and my dentist got mad because it was damaging my teeth. I wash my hands too much that sometimes they start to bleed. Am I OCD or what???
5. Ok this is really silly and wrong but when I was 12-13 I really wanted a second earring hole in my left ear (probably because "Corrina" liked it) and my parents frowned on that idea. I decided to take matters into my own hands and poked a hole in my ear by myself! Mind you this is like the most rebellious thing I've ever done. Here's the kicker I told my dad that I was changing in the locker room when a girl pushed me (while I was putting my earrings in) and the earring went in my ear creating a second hole!!! Yikes that's a terrible lie! He was sweet and smart enough to buy it and let me keep the earring. They must have known that the prophet was going to come out with the whole "one hole per ear" thing, I took the second earring out that night after the conference. I'm so grateful for kind and forgiving parents!
I tag whoever wants to be tagged!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Crossed the Border for On the Border!

Yesterday we decided to head down to IKEA which sadly is like an hour and a half drive. Anyway we realized that we had a gift card to Chili's/On the Border etc. When we lived in Arizona we loved going to On the Border and then we moved to Utah and Wisconsin and they are nowhere to be found. Boo. Anyway I decided to see if there was one on our way to IKEA (Ill.)and lo and behold there was! I'm not sure if I was more excited to go shopping or eating. We realized how much we missed that restaurant and decided that next time we go to the Chicago Temple we'll for sure stop there to eat....I guess our temple attendance will be improving! Oh on another note I was bummed at IKEA because everything I wanted was out of my price range...you know the "FREE" price range.
After we got home we went with Ryan and Lindsey to the movie "Definitely, Maybe". It was pretty cute I guess. The woman in front of us sure seemed to enjoy it, she was like dancing up and down at the end!
Oh so they called church off today! Too much ice/rain/snow. Funny because I haven't seen any snow today...I guess the ice is a bugger though. It's been a great day of waffles, movies, scripture reading...(after all it is Sunday), games. We're also trying to see how long we can go without turning our heat on. So far it's been ALL day! It's only 62 degrees, just slap a blanket on and we're fine!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Random things
I've been a little down in the dumps you could say...this snow is getting a little out of control! All day I just think about warm sunny places and how happy that makes me and then I look down and see that my goose bumps have goose bumps and question why we live here. (Just kidding babe I love it!) This picture is from our apt and it doesn't do justice because lets be honest I didn't want to go outside to take a silly picture but you get the point it's COLD!!!

We decided to make the most of this snow season and go cross-country skiing on Saturday. We had a great time and I have to admit I was pretty proud of us...we went on a much harder trail that totally kicked our pants but we made it! There were tons of hills, which I had never been on before (yes I know I'm from ColoRADo and I've never been downhill skiing...)and I thought I would be cool and go down this REALLY steep one. Well that just proved how cool I really was. If anyone has ever seen the FRIENDS episode when Pheobe runs....that's how graceful I was in this fall. Poles, arms, legs they were floppin' all over the place. I ended up getting a bump/bruise on my knee and again this picture does NOT even come close to how much pain my poor lil' knee is in. Anyway it was a great ski day regardless!

I've also tried to change my "I hate the snow" mentality and focus on things I am grateful for...maybe I have the chance to do them because I'm stuck inside all day.
*ran 2 EXTRA miles today (thank goodness for new pumped up music)
*made a yummy dessert (twice this week...and that's why I run!)
*played a great game of Ticket to Ride (how come all the new people always win?)
*had 2 packages waiting by my mailbox!!! Woohoo for my teaching certificate! These packages have probably been there since last week but since I don't go outside I didn't notice
*organized my cabinets
*wow I should really look for a job!
Happy Monday!
We decided to make the most of this snow season and go cross-country skiing on Saturday. We had a great time and I have to admit I was pretty proud of us...we went on a much harder trail that totally kicked our pants but we made it! There were tons of hills, which I had never been on before (yes I know I'm from ColoRADo and I've never been downhill skiing...)and I thought I would be cool and go down this REALLY steep one. Well that just proved how cool I really was. If anyone has ever seen the FRIENDS episode when Pheobe runs....that's how graceful I was in this fall. Poles, arms, legs they were floppin' all over the place. I ended up getting a bump/bruise on my knee and again this picture does NOT even come close to how much pain my poor lil' knee is in. Anyway it was a great ski day regardless!
I've also tried to change my "I hate the snow" mentality and focus on things I am grateful for...maybe I have the chance to do them because I'm stuck inside all day.
*ran 2 EXTRA miles today (thank goodness for new pumped up music)
*made a yummy dessert (twice this week...and that's why I run!)
*played a great game of Ticket to Ride (how come all the new people always win?)
*had 2 packages waiting by my mailbox!!! Woohoo for my teaching certificate! These packages have probably been there since last week but since I don't go outside I didn't notice
*organized my cabinets
*wow I should really look for a job!
Happy Monday!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Rise and Shout the Cougars are out
A few weeks ago David was asked to fly to BYU to recruit for Kohls and since I am deathly afraid of the dark (laugh it up) he saw this as an opportunity for me to celebrate my graduation with friends and family in Utah...so we both went! We were originally going to stay Tues-Thurs but figured what the heck lets just make a memory and stay the whole week. We had such a great time. I was SO excited to be back on campus but as soon as I set foot there I started to panic! I couldn't shake the thought of taking notes, butchering the Russian language, the testing center etc. I had to keep reminding myself that I was done but I just couldn't relax! I think the thought of..."well now what am I going to do with my life?" kept getting in the way of just enjoying the moment. Oh geez.
We were able to spend time with great friends and family. Davids sisters live in Provo and his parents decided to drive over so it was fun to be with everyone, I just wish I would have taken more pictures. I guess I'll just have to go back! Some highlights of the trip...
*Cafe Rio
*Lunch with the girls
*Dinner with the gang (sorry Kat and Steve aren't in the pic!)
*sleeping in
*swimming at the hotel
*watching Pres. Hinckleys funeral
*sitting on the plane for an hour before it took off (oh wait that's not a highlight)
*Kohls paying for Daves meals, car, hotel....atleast for 2 days!
*Jamba Juice
*Guitar Hero
*visiting old gapsters

Thanks everyone for making our trip so enjoyable!
We were able to spend time with great friends and family. Davids sisters live in Provo and his parents decided to drive over so it was fun to be with everyone, I just wish I would have taken more pictures. I guess I'll just have to go back! Some highlights of the trip...
*Cafe Rio
*Lunch with the girls
*Dinner with the gang (sorry Kat and Steve aren't in the pic!)
*sleeping in
*swimming at the hotel
*watching Pres. Hinckleys funeral
*sitting on the plane for an hour before it took off (oh wait that's not a highlight)
*Kohls paying for Daves meals, car, hotel....atleast for 2 days!
*Jamba Juice
*Guitar Hero
*visiting old gapsters
Thanks everyone for making our trip so enjoyable!
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