On Saturday we took advantage of the nice weather (and my morning off) and hiked Lapham Peak. This is where we go skiing so it was fun to see what it actually looked like once all the snowmen melted and the leaves decided to come out. We are for sure planning on going up there in the fall, it is so beautiful. I have to give kudos to Lapham Peak for actually having some pretty steep hills, granted they didn't last long but my bum is hurting this morning so that's a good sign right?!?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Hikin' n' Bikin'
Since Milwaukee is the birthplace of Harley they had a lil' 105th anniversary here....well actually not so lil'. David and I decided to go to Waukesha for the free Joe Nichols concert (we were supposed to see him for our very first date back in 2003) the concert was okay, I felt like I could have popped the cd in my house and sat on the couch and had the same experience. There were just too many smokin'- balding-bandana lovin'-tat crazed people there for my liking. Yeah you could say we stood out, especially since I was hiding my nose in my shirt to get away from the smoke. We called it a night like 30 minutes into the show. Once again the Luke's strike out with the parties. It was pretty cool to see all the "hogs" though.

On Saturday we took advantage of the nice weather (and my morning off) and hiked Lapham Peak. This is where we go skiing so it was fun to see what it actually looked like once all the snowmen melted and the leaves decided to come out. We are for sure planning on going up there in the fall, it is so beautiful. I have to give kudos to Lapham Peak for actually having some pretty steep hills, granted they didn't last long but my bum is hurting this morning so that's a good sign right?!?

On Saturday we took advantage of the nice weather (and my morning off) and hiked Lapham Peak. This is where we go skiing so it was fun to see what it actually looked like once all the snowmen melted and the leaves decided to come out. We are for sure planning on going up there in the fall, it is so beautiful. I have to give kudos to Lapham Peak for actually having some pretty steep hills, granted they didn't last long but my bum is hurting this morning so that's a good sign right?!?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Mystery Meat
David has a co-worker who really helped him out while we were in Colorado. She kept telling him that he owed her lunch so I made this cake (yes it's more like dinner but whatev) and had him take it to her. It is a devil's food cake with nutella filling and butter cream/chocolate frosting. I found the idea online and then added my own ideas to some of it. The "meat" is a cupcake and I'm actually a little disappointed with how the meat and gravy turned out but overall it was a fun cake to make.

I used the leftover cupcakes and made hamburgers again. My neighbor is a vegetarian so I took these over to him as a way of making him eat meat. :)
I used the leftover cupcakes and made hamburgers again. My neighbor is a vegetarian so I took these over to him as a way of making him eat meat. :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
ColoRADo....take two
After we spent a few days in Craig we headed down to the Denver area to spend time with....drum roll please....THE DONOHUES!!!! Hooray! It was so fun to see them and their fatty house. We miss you guys! We also were able to meet up with my cousins and have lunch at Baja Fresh (totally wish we had one here) it's always nice to keep in touch with family. Thank goodness for blogs:)
On our way to Denver we hit up the outlets and I FINALLY found a hydration pack that was a good price. I've only used it a handful of times but it sure is a life saver! Literally.

Thursday night my parents joined us in Highlands Ranch and we were able to go to dinner with another cousin. Friday David and my parents hung out while I did all sorts of "wedding stuff" and watched it pour outside. I felt so bad because the wedding was supposed to be outside but as luck would have it it rained and rained. Note: it was sunny and beautiful on Sunday, go figure.
Saturday they decided to just hold the wedding at the reception hall which turned out to be beautiful. It was so fun to see Molly and all her family. How many people can say that they still have the same best friend from 3rd grade??? She's awesome.

The groom is from Germany and so they exchanged vows in German which was really cool to listen to. He is such a great guy, we couldn't be more happy.

Laura, Molly and I

We were planning to leave on Sunday but we couldn't get on a flight so we ended up staying another night in Denver which lead to these things.
*$22 taxi ride to the mall
*3-D movie Journey to the Center of the Earth (I was wearing my glasses PLUS my 3-D glass. It was an adventure for sure)
*First class seats (pretty sure I was the only one in jeans!)
We had such a great time in Colorado, thanks again fam!
On our way to Denver we hit up the outlets and I FINALLY found a hydration pack that was a good price. I've only used it a handful of times but it sure is a life saver! Literally.
Thursday night my parents joined us in Highlands Ranch and we were able to go to dinner with another cousin. Friday David and my parents hung out while I did all sorts of "wedding stuff" and watched it pour outside. I felt so bad because the wedding was supposed to be outside but as luck would have it it rained and rained. Note: it was sunny and beautiful on Sunday, go figure.
Saturday they decided to just hold the wedding at the reception hall which turned out to be beautiful. It was so fun to see Molly and all her family. How many people can say that they still have the same best friend from 3rd grade??? She's awesome.
The groom is from Germany and so they exchanged vows in German which was really cool to listen to. He is such a great guy, we couldn't be more happy.
Laura, Molly and I
We were planning to leave on Sunday but we couldn't get on a flight so we ended up staying another night in Denver which lead to these things.
*$22 taxi ride to the mall
*3-D movie Journey to the Center of the Earth (I was wearing my glasses PLUS my 3-D glass. It was an adventure for sure)
*First class seats (pretty sure I was the only one in jeans!)
We had such a great time in Colorado, thanks again fam!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Double High Five for 5 years
David had been telling me that he was planning something for our anniversary but after we went to the concert I thought that was it. He told me he had made plans for us for Saturday and I knew it was something good when he kindly encouraged me to skip the "wet ponytail" look and slap on some nicer clothes. Different thoughts were brewing in my mind as we started to drive but once we made the turn off to Chicago I totally knew what he had been planning. WICKED TICKETS!!!!
I had never been to a big theater like that before and was blown away with all the detail in the work. It is so beautiful. As for WICKED....loved it! I knew some of the songs and the basic storyline but I was still in suspense the whole time. I highly recommend going. Anyway thanks again hubby! I love you!

I had never been to a big theater like that before and was blown away with all the detail in the work. It is so beautiful. As for WICKED....loved it! I knew some of the songs and the basic storyline but I was still in suspense the whole time. I highly recommend going. Anyway thanks again hubby! I love you!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
High 5 for 5 years!
August 21= 5 year anniversary!!!! CRAZY! Believe it or not we have hit the 5 year mark. David and I agree this has been our favorite year together (maybe the whole "no school" thing plays a part!) Anyway here are some things that we have gone through over the years.
*various church callings (some to be forgotten)
*5 moves
*3 different states to live in (pretty sure I never changed my drivers license)
*14+ concerts
*8 jobs
*1 surgery
*2 degrees
*countless roadtrips (I'm shocked we are still together...we DON'T do well on roadtrips....supposedly it's "my fault". ha ;)
*lots of laughs

thanks for a great 5 years hubby!

David came home and surprised me with some flowers and then we headed out to the Potowatami Casino and saw....drumroll please...
Chuck Wicks (Up and coming artist who sings Stealing Cinderella)

Yes I know this is a lame-o picture of me (where the heck is my neck?)oh well
JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY (I Swear, Letters From Home, Auction, I Love the Way You Love Me etc.)

It was an AWESOME concert. It was totally chill and very personal. I liked that we could just sit in the booth (and eat) and not feel pressured to stand or inhale smoke. I need to see who else is coming.
Anyway thanks for a great anniversary babe!
*various church callings (some to be forgotten)
*5 moves
*3 different states to live in (pretty sure I never changed my drivers license)
*14+ concerts
*8 jobs
*1 surgery
*2 degrees
*countless roadtrips (I'm shocked we are still together...we DON'T do well on roadtrips....supposedly it's "my fault". ha ;)
*lots of laughs
thanks for a great 5 years hubby!
David came home and surprised me with some flowers and then we headed out to the Potowatami Casino and saw....drumroll please...
Chuck Wicks (Up and coming artist who sings Stealing Cinderella)
Yes I know this is a lame-o picture of me (where the heck is my neck?)oh well
JOHN MICHAEL MONTGOMERY (I Swear, Letters From Home, Auction, I Love the Way You Love Me etc.)
It was an AWESOME concert. It was totally chill and very personal. I liked that we could just sit in the booth (and eat) and not feel pressured to stand or inhale smoke. I need to see who else is coming.
Anyway thanks for a great anniversary babe!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
ah dry weather........
Like 11-12 days ago David and I packed our suitcases and scooted on over to ColoRADo. *It totally stinks that all of our vacation days are spent there...don't get me wrong I love it but I sure wish we lived within driving distance* My best friends wedding (more to come) and David's 10 year high school reunion were during the same week so we took advantage of the rootin' tootin' good time and flew out for both.
It was so nice to be in ColoRADo again and have nice DRY air and mountains. On Friday we went on a little "hike" with the fam up to Fish Creek Falls. Yeah we were pretty much the only people not in hiking gear. *I'm wearing $7 ballet flats*

It was really cute our little nephew obediently came over to his mom and took off his hat and explained that the sign read "no hats allowed". We looked at the sign and saw the picture of a tent and realized he thought it was a hat. Poor guy. Rest assured the Wicked Witch of the West will NOT be at Fish Creek Falls.

Friday night we went to the reunion, it was crazy to see some people. Yes I didn't go to school with them but when you live in a small town you look through yearbooks and what not. I should have worn my "I'm ________ little sister" nametag, bummer I forgot it. Anyway it was interesting because there were a handful of people there who did NOT graduate in 98....2006? Yeah pretty sure that doesn't qualify as a "10 year reunion" party-goer. Looks like someone slept through math class eh? Hey if there is beer there is a way! *David, myself, 3 other mo's and 2 pregnant women were the only non-drinkers there* we also called it a night at like 11:00. Party pooper?...say it loud and proud. Overall the reunion was really fun and it was a good chance for me to meet some of his friends and for us to catch up.
On Monday our families had a little bbq at my parents home. It was nice to be out in the open fields and just enjoy the company. David and I feel so blessed to have parents that get along so well. Thanks for the fun night! *we're still getting smoke out of our clothes!*

Gotta run...well sleep is more like it.
It was so nice to be in ColoRADo again and have nice DRY air and mountains. On Friday we went on a little "hike" with the fam up to Fish Creek Falls. Yeah we were pretty much the only people not in hiking gear. *I'm wearing $7 ballet flats*
It was really cute our little nephew obediently came over to his mom and took off his hat and explained that the sign read "no hats allowed". We looked at the sign and saw the picture of a tent and realized he thought it was a hat. Poor guy. Rest assured the Wicked Witch of the West will NOT be at Fish Creek Falls.
Friday night we went to the reunion, it was crazy to see some people. Yes I didn't go to school with them but when you live in a small town you look through yearbooks and what not. I should have worn my "I'm ________ little sister" nametag, bummer I forgot it. Anyway it was interesting because there were a handful of people there who did NOT graduate in 98....2006? Yeah pretty sure that doesn't qualify as a "10 year reunion" party-goer. Looks like someone slept through math class eh? Hey if there is beer there is a way! *David, myself, 3 other mo's and 2 pregnant women were the only non-drinkers there* we also called it a night at like 11:00. Party pooper?...say it loud and proud. Overall the reunion was really fun and it was a good chance for me to meet some of his friends and for us to catch up.
On Monday our families had a little bbq at my parents home. It was nice to be out in the open fields and just enjoy the company. David and I feel so blessed to have parents that get along so well. Thanks for the fun night! *we're still getting smoke out of our clothes!*
Gotta run...well sleep is more like it.
Monday, August 18, 2008
You must be joking right?
I was just talking to my dad and he informed me that on the Paul Harvey show they named Milwaukee as the "sexiest city in America"...WHAT????? What is this based on? Have they been to Milwaukee? The fair? I'm not saying that Milwaukee is full of beastly ogres or anything but sexiest city??? Come on let's not get carried away here.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Well considering my company left almost a week ago I better write the exciting events of their stay! On Monday we took a little boat tour of Milwaukee which was good for us to realize that Milwaukee is actually a pretty cool city. I'm usually upset by the fact that we don't really have a "downtown" street or anything but seeing the city from the lake made me appreciate it a little more.

We also stopped by the gardens which were way cooler than I thought they would be. I was quickly reminded that I do NOT have a green thumb but I tried to enjoy the walk anyway.

Oh our cute traditional picture pose! I should have worn shades!

Here we are at a lake in Oconomowoc...I'm sure only people from WI will be able to pronounce that!

Thanks for a great time guys!
We also stopped by the gardens which were way cooler than I thought they would be. I was quickly reminded that I do NOT have a green thumb but I tried to enjoy the walk anyway.
Oh our cute traditional picture pose! I should have worn shades!
Here we are at a lake in Oconomowoc...I'm sure only people from WI will be able to pronounce that!
Thanks for a great time guys!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
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