Wow! We are FINALLY back in Wisconsin (although the weather feels like we are still in Colorado!) We had a wonderful time with both families and it makes us sad that everyone lives so far away :( At the beginning of our trip we thought that it would be a fun tradition to drive home for Christmas every year. After having the car break down (gas and water don't mix well) and then being stranded in WY (twice) we are having second thoughts about this whole driving home business! Anyway here are some highlights of the trip! Hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday!

*Forgetting 2 of Davids presents in Wisconsin (yes they were already wrapped)
*Trying to secretly load unwrapped gifts for each other into the car
*Pizza Hut buffet (twice!)
*Board games with the fam
*David and my dad played their guitars at church....loved it! No it wasn't one of those mom on the drums praising the Lord things, they played "Silent Night"
*Opening the DVD Goonies from David and realizing that I bought him the exact same gift! Why we didn't own this in the first place is beyond me!

*Waking up when it was dark outside to see what Santa brought
*Going back to bed when it was still dark outside
*Eating brownies from my nieces Easy-Bake oven (they actually use ice instead of heat!)
*Making cookies with the kiddos for Santa
*Making sure to NOT eat the cookies they made....fingers in the frosting just isn't appealing

*Finding killer deals at K-Mart with my mom
*Watching our new DVD's...Pete and Pete and Arrested Developement
*Attending our High School reunions....not of my H.S. friends married a guy a year older than Dave so we went and had a great time catching up with everyone!

*"sledding" and getting pulled behind a 4-wheeler

*National Treasure and Juno
*Oh yeah last but not least staying the night in Rawlins WY due to the fact I-80 was closed. Note: Rawlins is about 2-2.5 hours away from our home town and we got there at like 10:30 am. We hit up Pizza Hut, Alco, City Market, Penny's Diner....that's pretty much the whole town! It was an adventure and we actually had a fun time together!

We had a great Christmas and feel so blessed to have the friends and family that we do!