Wow, where to begin. First of all, this is David posting since mommy is getting some MUCH deserved sleep right now. She was a major trooper today all the way to the end. The day started at around 6:30 this morning and continued until 6:24pm when little Grant finally decided he was ok with coming out. Actually, it wasn't so much him deciding as it was him getting yanked out. The labor was going pretty smooth for most of the day, but hit some speedbumps towards the end. When the little guy was born he was having a hard time transitioning - his breathing was a little labored and it took him a while to get the hang of it. They took him away right away and we didn't get to see him for nearly an hour - longer for Jodee as she couldn't get out of bed. He came out transverse "sideways" so Jodee needed a little extra help. He went to the NICU, and when I had made sure that mommy was going to be ok I got to go see him. He got the hang of his breathing and is doing great now. Grant weighs 7 lbs even, and is 19 3/4 inches long...a little longer and heavier than we thought he would be.
First impressions - wow, easier than I thought it would be, harder than I thought it would be, easily the most exciting moment of my life. I am soooo proud of little Jodee and how strong she was. I honestly didn't know how well she would do - I didn't think she'd be too much of a wuss - but she blew me away. There was another lady down the hall that was screaming at every little thing - but Jodee never did - she just breathed her way through everything and did fantastic. I have a newfound respect for all mothers now. Holding your own newborn baby for the first time is indescribable - as I'm sure those of you that have had this experience can attest. So completely overwhelming - but so completely amazing. It still doesn't seem real yet, but as I look across the hospital room right now there's a little bundle inside a blanket that's moving his feet up and down - so it must be real.
First thoughts at who he looks like? Overall - right away I thought he looked more like me - definitely my nose - but beyond that the jury is still out. I think he has Jodee's chin and ears which I love. He has a little bit of light brown hair - not the copper color I was born with - probably closer to what Jodee was born with. I think he's adorable and cute as can be, but I am and will always be extremely biased.
There's plenty more to write but I wanted to get this out there before the day was over. Thanks to all of you for any help and support you've provided.