Well we pretty much just pigged out all this weekend...and sometimes that's ok:) Saturday morning they had a breakfast at the church before conference and then we had a picnic in between sessions. You know it's 60 degrees out so we all had to work on the tan! I did make it to the gym during the priesthood session thank goodness because Sunday we stayed home and watched conference with our neighbors who so thoughtfully brought chocolate candy and yummy caramel corn. Then off to their place between sessions for a fab homemade meal, polished off with some cake and strawberries...and oreos! Hey I cut up some carrots and celery so kudos to me for trying! Anyway it was a fun weekend with friends, uplifting talks and the SUN!!! Oh how I love the warmth on my face. Rumor has it it's not supposed to last long. Bummer....oh well I'll be living it up in Phoenix in a week! P.S. is it strange that I overheard some kids suggesting that they take a dip in the river??? I know it's in the 60's but lets be honest.

Your so lucky you have nice weather right now. Lets see today it snowed, rained, hailed, then snowed again. Fun! :(
Hey, nice pics, if I do say so myself... :) It was fun to hang out!
hey jodee! its always nice to run into long lost friends even if it is via the bloggin world. congrats on the little bun in the oven! im due oct 2 and i think you are right behind me...it may sound far away, but it will be here before you know it.
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